Wednesday, July 31, 2019

History of Fast Food Essay

Fast food has been a growing phenomenon for since its introduction in 20th century. The changes in American culture pushed the fast food industry into a staggering growth arena and have changed the way consumers purchase and eat forever. â€Å"The fast-food industry that now extends throughout the world has its roots in the United States. Fast-food restaurants are often regarded as emblematic of a new global culture, but the industry has indisputably been shaped by its American origins. † (Leidner 8). Fast Food has developed from being a convenience to a necessity, widened the financial gap and became an international phenomenon. The first drive-in restaurant, Royce Hailey’s Pig Stand in Dallas, Texas, was opened in 1921, and offered pulled pork BBQ and introduced Texas Toast. As one southern fan of Royce Hailey’s pig stand put it: â€Å"Folks went hog wild when the first Pig Stand opened in Dallas in 1921. Agile â€Å"car hops† leaped onto running boards of Model-Ts to deliver â€Å"curb service† to a generation on the go. It was the age of the automobile, and Pig Stands multiplied across America faster than you can say â€Å"soooo-eeee. It took the Great Depression of the ’30s to slow â€Å"The Pig† down. †(Sowa). Drive-in services were not very popular at this time because automobiles were expensive and few and far between during the Great Depression. Then nearly three decades later the drive-in restaurant enjoyed a degree of success during the 1950’s. Drive-ins celebrated the cultural importance of the automobile and â€Å"Drive-in restaurants proved (to be the) most popular, places where carhops served customers directly in their parked automobiles† (Young, and Young 29). This convenience which enabled people to order their food and eat it in the open air without having to unbuckle their seatbelts changed American fast food forever (Woloson). â€Å"Car hops, as they were also called, became familiar congregation centers for teenagers as well† (Woloson). The rise of the fast food restaurant would not have been possible without constant changes in American culture. The 1950’s brought about American lifestyle changes. With the end of the war Americans had saved money and moved to the suburbs. For the first time in history middle class married women with women with children were entering the work force. â€Å"Married women comprised the majority of the growth in the female work force throughout the 1950s, and between 1940 and 1960 there was a 400 percent increase in the number of working mothers; by 1960, women with children under the age of eighteen accounted for nearly one-third of all women workers†(Coontz 161). The working women and the decrease of free time may be a direct contributor to the growth of the fast food industry. The development of an affordable automobile and the simultaneous governmental support of new road systems physically reinforced this cultural melding, enabling car owners, especially, to go to places they had never been before. There was a boom in the tourist industry in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The â€Å"key to the expansion of tourism demand was the rise in disposable incomes in the 1950s and 1960s. † (Beauregard 225). Travelers, who once went by rail, boat, or horse, were now moving faster by car. Consumers began to value things such as speed and convenience as part of their trips. Fast food restaurants began making their food faster and faster and â€Å"Americans love the convenience of letting someone else do the cooking,† especially when they are vacationing (Bijlefeld, and Zoumbaris 51). As travelers not only did they need affordable and reliable places to stay they needed quick, convenient, and inexpensive eateries. The need for fast, reliable, affordable, and convenient food, along with an increasing acceptance among Americans of more fast pace culture, led to the rise of the fast food industry. Fast food restaurants sprang up in both urban areas and along the nation’s highways in record numbers after the introduction of the fast food phenomenon known as McDonalds. â€Å"The first fast food restaurant (was) opened by the two McDonald brothers in 1937 in Pasadena, California. Their established restaurant had experienced high demand at specific times (for example, workers’ lunchtimes) and they responded with a circumscribed menu (burgers) and were able to serve large numbers at high speed and low price. The assembly line procedures, with food preparation and serving made into simple repetitive tasks, combined with a specialized division of labor for each stage, have been recognized as constituting the first ‘fast food factory’† (Beardsworth, and Keil 120). This enabled people to get their food faster and set the standards for the future of the fast food industry. As the McDonalds chain grew and other chains started to sprout up people began to accept the new culture of food service. The working-class food held largely in disrepute. The gaining widespread popularity of fast food made it a staple food in diets of many Americans diets. The most successful of these stands quickly multiplied, taking advantage of the growing popularity of this new â€Å"fast† food and applied industrial principles of standardization to its development. McDonald’s is considered the first fast food restaurant and recognized the potential of this relatively fast and simple food. The organization of McDonalds created standardized methods in its production. The history of White castle dates back to the 1920’s is seen as the first and most influential restaurant chain (â€Å"White Castle†). â€Å"White Castle is credited for beginning the franchise system that inspired many â€Å"(Woloson). White Castle set standards, began standardization of the cooking line, and created the first restaurant which duplicated the original. In retrospect it can be said that White Castle was the start and set high standards for all the other franchise restaurants in the United States. The hamburger fulfilled economic as well as cultural needs for inexpensive food. Although there was not a food shortage during the great depression food was expensive and affordable food options like the local hamburger stand was a blessing. By the end of 1930, White Castle had sold over 21 million hamburgers and then by the end of 1937, this number had increased to over 40 million (Woloson). Fast food began to make a steady incline towards the end of World War II. â€Å"Franchises were not unique to the 1950s; they had been around since the early decades of the twentieth century, patronized by a public increasingly used to and insistent upon the supposed reliability and trustworthiness of branded goods†(Woloson). White Castle, A & W Root beer, and Howard Johnson’s, were some of the first and most successful restaurant franchises. Although it took the ideals of postwar culture to wholly support the fast-food franchise it laid the foundations for the companies to make billions of dollars. In 1955 Ray A. Kroc, a Chicago Milkshake salesman, discovered the McDonald’s restaurant in California and saw a goldmine. He partnered with the McDonald’s brothers, opening 228 franchises by 1960. Kroc happily bought out the McDonalds’ shares of the company in 1961. Kroc, an incredible entrepreneur, wanted to make the customers to identify with the restaurant and make it seem homey. â€Å"By 1988, McDonald’s had opened its ten thousandth restaurant and today there are over 30,000 McDonald’s restaurants worldwide† (â€Å"History of Franchising†). â€Å"Kroc’s success lay in his approach not specifically to cooking individual food items, but in conceiving of his franchise operation in its entirety† (Woloson). The methods and success of McDonald’s Franchises have set a tone for the fast food industry. Although â€Å"White Castle was the first restaurant that encouraged carry-out for those customers on the go the restraint developed standard floor plans and architectural designs that could be easily duplicated† and set these standards for others in the industry (Woloson). McDonalds uniform restaurants, kitchens, dining rooms, and methods of standardized cooking techniques set this great restaurant apart and distinguish it from the other fast food restaurants. Ray Kroc had some competition with the introduction of popular fast food restaurants such as Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and Burger King. One may say ethnic food could be considered a genre for the fast food franchise system, Taco Bell originated in 1962 and was the first ethnic franchise restaurant, paving the way for many more. â€Å"Wendy’s, specializing in bigger, better, and more expensive hamburgers and introduced the first drive-thru windows at their restaurants, which were so popular that Burger King and McDonald’s had to follow suit†(Woloson). As an industry fast food will continue to grow, change, and adapt to the needs of the culture around it. Expanding to international markets the fast food industry offers cultural acceptable products. â€Å"Multinational fast-food chains have now become household names, and in terms of sales and units tend to dominate national markets. Indeed, the industry is becoming more internationalized with brands like Burger King being bought by the British multinational Diageo; and McDonald’s has recently bought a stake in Pret a Manger. However, some of the largest brands in this sector are still American-owned, such as McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Wimpy†(Royle and Towers 3). One great concept is international fast food chains often support the local economy, buying local products, but sticking to the same well known recipes to get desired results. The fast food franchise of the 20th century has set and defined a world-renowned concept of the way people order, eat, and enjoy the food that they purchase. The fast food industry is one of enormous power and economic strength. Fast food restaurants represent America’s cultures and, in many ways, how other cultures strive to be like America.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

General Management Theories

General Management Theories: There are four general management theories. 1. Frederick Taylor – Theory of Scientific Management. 2. Henri Fayol – Administrative Management Theory. 3. Max Weber – Bureaucratic Theory of Management. 4. Elton Mayo – Behavioral Theory of Management (Hawthorne Effect). 1. Frederick Taylor’s Theory of Scientific Management. Taylor’s theory of scientific management aimed at, improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. Taylor had a simple view about, what motivated people at work, – money.He felt that, workers should get a, fair day's pay for a fair day's work, and that pay, should be linked to the amount produced. Therefore he introduced the, DIFFERENTIAL PIECE RATE SYSTEM, of paying wages to the workers. Taylor's Differential Piece Rate Plan. If Efficiency is greater than the defined Standard then workers should be paid 120 % of Normal Piece Rate. If Efficiency is less than standard then work ers should be paid 80% of Normal Piece Rate. Principles of Scientific Management. Four Principles of Scientific Management are: 1. Time and motion study: – Study the way jobs are performed and find new ways to do them. 2.Teach, train and develop the workman with improved methods of doing work. Codify the new methods into rules. 3. Interest of employer ; employees should be fully harmonized so as to secure mutually understanding relations between them. 4. Establish fair levels of performance and pay a premium for higher performance. 2. Henri Fayol’s Administrative Management Theory: Henri Fayol known as the Father Of Management laid down the 14 principles of Management. – 1. Division of Work. 2. Equity. 3. Discipline. 4. Initiative. 5. Authority and Responsibility. 6. Esprit De Corps. 7. Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest. . Stability of Tenure. 9. Remuneration. 10. Unity of Direction. 11. Centralization. 12. Scalar Chain. 14. Unity of Comma nd. 3. Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Theory Of Management Weber made a distinction between authority and power. Weber believed that power educes obedience through force or the threat of force which induces individuals to adhere to regulations. According to Max Weber, there are three types of power in an organization:- 1. Traditional Power 2. Charismatic Power 3. Bureaucratic Power or Legal Power. Features of Bureaucracy: 1. Division of Labor. 2. Formal Hierarchical Structure. 3.Selection based on Technical Expertise. 4. Management by Rules. 5. Written Documents. 6. Only Legal Power is Important. 7. Formal and Impersonal relations. 4. Elton Mayo’s Behavioral Theory of Management: Elton Mayo's experiments showed an increase in worker productivity was produced by the psychological stimulus of being singled out, involved, and made to feel important. Hawthorne Effect, can be summarized as â€Å"Employees will respond positively to any novel change in work environment like bette r illumination, clean work stations, relocating workstations etc. Employees are more productive because they know they are being studied.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Look at the upload file the article title is Smarter Grids are More Essay

Look at the upload file the article title is Smarter Grids are More Efficient - Essay Example Modelling of real time information and online system that provides optimized and coordinated control for unbalanced disribution networks occurs. Indeed, electricity distribution companies save energy by maximising energy delivery effieciencies. WO optimizes resources that are highly reactive and voltage control capabilities. There is consumption of thousands of billions of kilowatt-hours as evident in 3.1% yearly increase between 1980-2006. 10% of electric energy from power plants is lost in show and allotment processes. 40% of losses occur on developed distribution networks evident in 2006 when there was a 655 billion kWh energy loss in distribution. Peak demand in a system lasts less than 5% of the time, therefore this potential can be utilized during peak load hours. Electricity distribution network moves energy from substations to consumers because the network includes; medium voltage power, substation transformers and pole-pad mounted transformers. Most energy loss which occur on distribution is ohmic loss resulting from currents of electricity which flow through condutors. Reactive power compensation devices are designed to reduce unproductive components of current. Voltage regulating devices are usually installed at the substation and on feeders with the intent of adjusting the feed voltage. However, fixing of transformers that consist of tap changers named voltage regulator often occurs. Loss occurs due to resistance in conductors, which is determined by resistability of material used to make cross-sectional areas. In saving electric energy, regulation is achieved in accordance to measurementswhich are locally available. There ought to be control strategies that are comprehensively evaluated to establish feeders that could be regulated with multiple voltages. More percentages of electricity are saved when var compensation devises are used. In addition, the use of substation automation system or management systems that deal with

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What managing leading, coaching, and motivating styles do managers Essay

What managing leading, coaching, and motivating styles do managers adopt in organisation A - Essay Example Money that is, in many instance, the life savings of clients are entrusted to the care of the banks. Banks are governed by rules to reinforce confidence that their clients’ money is protected. Banks are mandated by the government to follow these rules and transgressions are dealt with stiff penalties, including forfeiture to conduct business in extreme cases. The rules are most of the time the source of conflict between customers and the bank. These frictions, if allowed to escalate, lead to the diminished trust and confidence of the clients for the bank and when it continues to be unresolved, it will result to the withdrawal of the clients’ business from the bank. It is thus the responsibility of the bank’s customer frontlines or customer representatives to maintain, manage, and care for the bank’s clients that will strengthen and restore its trust and confidence for the bank. A customer that has the full faith and confidence for its bank is a satisfied customer who is willing to increase the volume of business and transactions for the benefit of the bank. An increase in transaction and business translates to an increase in its profitability and viability. Management in context of this paper is the provisioning of the necessary resources and giving decisions so that employees can do their job properly. The objective is to be able to convert business requirements into tangible results (Tannenbaum & Schmidt, 1958). Management style is the manner in which resources are provided and decisions are delivered to the employees to implement. This would include Managers who: makes decision and announces it; sells decision or convinces subordinate that it is the right decision; presents ideas and invite question; present tentative decision; presents problems, solicit suggestion then make decision; defines limits and ask group to make decision; permits subordinates to function within limits (Tannenbaum & Schmidt, 1958). Leadership

Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in Class Assignment

Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in Class - Assignment Example Cell phones have enormous benefits to offer to the society and its members and thus individuals expect to be able to use them every one. One setting where cell phones have been enormously criticized is in classrooms. Although cell phones have been criticized, this technology should be allowed in classrooms because this technology enhances learning, security, and connectivity.  Mobile phones should be allowed in classrooms because these devices enhance learner’s learning. Those who oppose this technology in classrooms believe that this technology is an obstacle in learning because this technology diverts the attention of the student from what is being taught in the class. These devices do not become an obstacle to learning what is being taught, they rather support and enhance the understanding of the course material. There are many instances when even the instructors fail to provide information relevant to the course material. In such instances, cell phones allow individuals to search for information in connection with course material and this information does not only benefits the user, this information even benefits other class members and the instructor. According to Ferriter, mobile phones can be used in classrooms to replace essential classroom supplies (Ferriter 1). Ferriter states that while conducting a lab experiment students required timers to time their experiments. There were insufficient timers to help the students, so mobile phones were used as timers and this activity allowed cell phones to perform various functions such as helping students in locating definitions and sharing of knowledge with other students through texting.  Security is one of the major issues that have been addressed by the use of cell phones. When students are restricted in a classroom they are unaware of the happening in the world outside the classroom. Due to this students face security issues as information regarding negative events taking place outside the classr oom is essential for students to take preventive measures while returning to their homes.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Service Ops Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Service Ops Management - Essay Example According to industry sales data, compiled by the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA), a bedding industry trade group, approximately 700 manufacturers of mattresses and box springs make up the domestic conventional bedding industry. They generate wholesale revenues estimated at approximately $4.7 billion during calendar year, 2002. The market for conventional bedding represents more than 85% of the entire bedding market in North America. Approximately two-thirds of conventional bedding is sold through furniture stores and specialty sleep shops. Most of the remaining conventional bedding is sold through department stores, mass merchandisers, and membership clubs. Sealy has the largest market share and greatest consumer awareness of any bedding brand in North America. It is believed to be the largest manufacturer of bedding in the world. Sealy employs more than 6000 individuals, has 34 plants, and sells its products in over 7,000 retail outlets in the United States, including furniture stores, leading department stores, sleep shops, and mass merchandisers. Sealy is also a leading supplier to the hospitality industry. Sealy Asia Limited is the regional office of Sealy Corporation, a bed sets manufacturer established in Hong Kong in 2001. It is one of the major mattress manufacturers in the world, and it would like to explore the Asian market in the forthcoming years. Sealy’s vision is to be first, best, most and continuously the most improved player in the Hong Kong market. In sum, we want to have our customers view Sealy as first in product quality and service, as best at meeting their needs, and as the resource that offers the most in every facet of our business relationship. We have a healthy dose of self-criticism, so we are driven by an honest and a critical self-assessment in our quest for improvement in all aspects of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Theodore Roosevelt's Main Contributions to American History Essay

Theodore Roosevelt's Main Contributions to American History - Essay Example This paper will discuss the main contributions of Theodore Roosevelt to American history. â€Å"Theodore brought modernism to the American government† (Woods 2010, 1). He was properly suited for this responsibility. Philosophically, Roosevelt was an expert who was determined to bring effectiveness and intelligence to fight against spoilers of the natural environment, as well as international disorder. Roosevelt was as historians put it, "the first great leader who changed America to the modern industrial age" (Woods 2010, 1). Roosevelt had little endurance with federalism and also with a majority of the constitutional barriers that stood between him and the establishment of a fresh American state. Politically, Theodore was a dedicated nationalist. He, therefore, could hardly bring himself to address Thomas Jefferson, whom he detested. Moreover, as late as the 1880s, Roosevelt was still criticizing Jefferson Davis as a traitor. Roosevelt was angered by The Confederate cause bec ause it denied a large united nation its own justification. â€Å"Roosevelt took to the presidential office a consistent and thorough philosophy of a government† (Woods 2010, 1). What a former leader might have done without fanfare or hesitatingly, Theodore Roosevelt formed a much better principle. ... They all echo the president's self-belief in proficient commissions and his stewardship assumption of the executive branch. As one historian put it, these acts, put together, "may well be regarded as the dawn of a modern regulatory nation, the great America" (Woods 2010, 1). Not all American leaders were confident at this view. One traditional Republican stated that Roosevelt was â€Å"unconsciously or consciously trying to focus all power in Washington, to eliminate state lines, as well as to govern the people by bureaus and commissions." Roosevelt was a natural publicist. â€Å"He offered an astonishing heritage to the American citizens of a variety of resources and lands in public ownership† (Bedford/St Martin's 2009, 16). He used the Presidency's "bully pulpit" successfully to stimulate public interest in conservation matters. Theodore’s key contribution to the conservation movement was "wielding his presidential status to craft an alliance of people from civic lea ders and naturalists who favored conservation to useful resource specialists, as well as users" (Woods 2010, 1). No success shows this better than the Governor's Conference of 1907. At this meeting, Roosevelt conveyed all the country’s governors and several other leaders together and, using his own eagerness for conservation, he ignited policies, discussions and proceedings that still echo today at many levels of the American government. â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt also assumed that he had a duty to spread American interests and ideas across the globe† (Roosevelt 2006, 1). As the leading world power, the U.S. had an apparent chance to remake the global system in a manner that would eradicate the old ruins of war, as well as corrupt alliances. Roosevelt

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Substance abuse in Veterans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Substance abuse in Veterans - Research Paper Example These drugs provide relief for a short lifespan. However, this can in turn bring a heavy aftermath after the lapse. Its effects include nightmares, addiction, anxiety, flashbacks, suicide, overdose, sleeplessness, depression, aggressiveness, loneliness and even in the worst scenario; death (Lewis, Dana & Blevins, 2011) Stress forms a greater influence than any other cause and it greatly hinders a person’s mentality. The soldiers especially those from Iraq and Afghanistan, tend to overuse opioids a lot as a way of relieving stress. Most of them don’t use it because of physical injury, but because they want to erase the painful memories of their lost ones in the army. Hence, they misuse these drugs to relieve dark memories. Some veterans also use excessive hard drugs as a supplement of the opiates in case they don’t manage to get one. One of the majorly abused illegal drugs was heroin. This was because of fear from war tensions .Heroin abuse was largely used by Vietnam veterans. Battles needed courage and bravery; and that is why a huge number of soldiers used these drugs to boost their confidence. Injured soldiers especially those with severe cases were prescribed powerful painkillers which provided pleasure in return. The most prescribed painkillers included hydrocodone, oxycodone and meperidine. These drugs were commonly abused by being injected or sniffed in the blood system by the patients. These painkillers provided a similar feeling like the heroin. Excessive opioids brought about addiction which made most of them captive. The patients later turned to the abuse of painkillers which served as alternative opioids, having been controlled by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Opioids also caused anxiety and sleeplessness. Flashbacks were also recorded by the veterans causing them to scream or cry when sleeping. The patients sometimes took huge amounts of the painkillers whether prescribed or not, and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sales and Financial Forecast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sales and Financial Forecast - Essay Example ocate resources where they are most needed in an order of priority, and this would allow one to control the business cash flow instead of the cash flow controlling them. The strategy would be to use sales promotion campaigns and advertising through posters at least 5 hours per day to create awareness of the product in the upper market areas of New York. Below is a sales and expense forecast that would be expected to be incurred in selling a new cosmetic brand from a small enterprise to the upper market New York. It is expected that these products are sourced directly from the warehouse already packaged in bundles. Sales promotion $ 300 (marketing and selling are different concepts and some products might be offered free to customers who meet certain criteria as a sales promotion strategy, including posters for advertising) The four Ps in marketing mix will affect the sales. With the 3 well trained employees in sales and noting that the upper New York residents and visitors have a high purchasing power, and that the sales will increase with time as customers have the awareness of the new cosmetic

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Market Segmentation and Product Positioning Article

Market Segmentation and Product Positioning - Article Example Market segmentation by Epson the tech company manufacturing these glasses has been clearly been highlighted by the article because it touches on the glasses offering more comfort to a workplace or office setting as opposed to just entertainment as mentioned by the author of the article that one cannot walk in them comfortably down the street. The market segment being targeted here appears to be the average career individual with PowerPoint presentations, visual reports summations and whatnot. The glasses appear to be made to appeal to the group made of career enthusiasts who want to look more professional by using the smart glass mover BT-200 achieve that desired effect while in the working environment. The Working class consists of the middle class and high class envisioning the target market segment. â€Å"Samsung readies phone for your wrist† is an article by Min-Jeong Lee and Yun-Hee Kim captured on Wall Street Journal that talks about the tech giant Samsung planning to unveil a smartwatch that does not need to be tethered to a phone referred to as the wrist communicator which has developed as an innovation of the initial smartwatch concept (Lee & Kim). The article elaborates the product positioning concept because of the fact that Samsung is introducing the concept and benefit of their smart wrist watch that is yet to be launched into the world market. The company boasts of already having the leading role in smartwatch presence already in the market as opposed to its competitors like Apple Inc. that are yet to make a debut in the same tech sector. The article builds on the fact that the watch will give a different experience to the intended market because it has new exciting features than its predecessors like Galaxy Gear. The mere fact that the watch will be able to ha ve a SIM card is enough to juggle the public minds to want to associate with the product before it is launched into the market and if possible make pre-orders.  Ã‚  

The Next Dance Company Concert Essay Example for Free

The Next Dance Company Concert Essay Yesterday I went to a dance concert Next Dance Company Concert whose presented work by The Sharon Disney Lund School of Dance. The dance was performed by the graduating students of this school. The performance was combined with eight pieces of dance, each of them has its own theme, mood, and phenomenon. With simple music and costume, performers and audiences were delighted and having spirit communication. One thing that most impressed me was the way they designed music. Many sounds from daily life can be heard in the music. I heard people wheezing, screaming, crying. I heard clock’s ticking. I heard sound’s in office, like keyboarding or pouring coffee. They are not composed by instrument, but they are pretty familiar to us. These sound, after editing, provided us a strong sense of rhythm. Combining the dance, it allows us to think of the deep meaning of each theme. Amount of eight pieces of dance, the one I like the most is Bad Faith. The two performers displayed a strong depressed feeling through their repetitive actions with some change in each repeat. They had a dialogue, but they didn’t act like talking. They rely on each other closely but sometimes they have problems and get separate. They used their bodies to express feeling each time they talked. Such movement is oppressing to me. I love it although it is not as large-scale as others performance I saw before. And because of this reason, I sat really close to the stage and the dancers. I could hear musicians tuning their instruments, I could see light refected on performers’ faces and, the most important thing, I could see dancers’ facial expression. Sometimes they even had no background music. Instead, they used the sound of dancer’s feet rubbing the floor or footsteps as the beat. Attending a live performance is really more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Dancer is not just a job that repeats movement that other instructs he or she to do, but an artist that use their body as a tool to express emotion, story, or ideas in a nonverbal way. From viewing this concert, I discovered the motion of dance , I feel the change of my mood with the fluctuation of motion performed in different parts of the concert. From these eight pieces of dance, I feel like I have eight times of experience. From this dance, I discover that the dance has its own motion. It might show happiness or sadness and audience will experience the change of mood of their own. All I want to say is, this was a wonderful evening and it was really worthy to go!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Catch-22 and Dr. Strangelove Essay Example for Free

Catch-22 and Dr. Strangelove Essay \In Joseph Heller’s novel, Catch-22, and Stanley Kubrick’s film, Dr. Strangelove, the bureaucrats are illustrated as illogical and untrustworthy. Heller’s attention to administrations such as the hospital and the military-establishment are recognized for their unreliable rationality and logic. Similarly, in Dr. Strangelove, Kubrick mocks the absurdities of the nuclear arms race and of the officials of the United States and The Soviet Union as he conveys the malfunction of highly placed government bureaucrats. Catch-22 and Dr. Strangelove, are two satirical and somewhat historical works that effectively comment on the corrupt and perhaps insane bureaucrats. The lives of Yossarian and the men in his squadron in Catch-22 are not determined by their own decisions but instead, by the decisions of the impersonal bureaucracy. The bureaucrats are absolutely oblivious to any attempt the men make to reason with them logically. Major Major, for example, will only see people in his office if he is not there and sends them away when he returns. Doc Daneeka refuses to ground Yossarian for his â€Å"insanity† because Yossarian’s desire to be grounded reveals that he is sane. Doc Daneeka elaborates in his discussion of Orr, Yossarian’s tent-mate. â€Å"Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to.† (46) Yossarian and the others in his squadron find that what they say and do has little effect on their fate when the bureaucracy controls them. Their only option is to follow the illogical rules and use what is expected of them to their own advantage. Yossarian’s superiors are more concerned with getting a promotion than they are about winning the war. Colonel Cathcart, the colonel in command of Yossarian’s squadron, tries to impress his superiors by â€Å"bravely† volunteering his men for dangerous combat. Cathcart’s only concern is being promoted to general. Cathcart continually raises the number of combat missions required of the men before they can be sent home. Yossarian argues with Doc Daneeka who explains, â€Å"†¦regulations do say you have to obey every order. That’s the catch. Even if the colonel were disobeying a Twenty-seventh Air Force order by making you fly more missions, you’d still have to fly them, or you’d be guilt y of disobeying an order of his.† (58) Similarly, Dr. Strangelove also criticizes the malfunctions of bureaucracy and the inadequacy of officials. General Jack Ripper gives the command to attack the Soviet Union without permission from his superiors or the president. Instead of discussing the idea of an attack with is supervisors, Ripper orders the attack because, according to him; Clemenceau†¦ said war was too important to be left to the generals. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. -Criticizes the malfunction of bureaucracy. (Dr. Strangelove) Mr. President’s embarrassment about the issue demonstrates bureaucracy does not function appropriately because those lower in command should not determine the launch of nuclear powers. Further exemplifying the inadequacy of the bureaucrats, the Joint Chiefs in the war room show their unprofessional and blatant prejudice, especially toward the Russians. General Buck Turgidson clearly states, Im beginning to smell a big fat Commie rat, and later refers to them as a bunch of ignorant peons. The Germans are also referred to when Turgidson, upon learning Dr. Strangeloves original German name, passes it off as a Kraut by any other name. Dr. Strangelove, the character, also calls into question the reliability of people in power. Strangelove is clearly the Presidents scientific adviser in the war room whose appearance copies the mad scientist stereotype with his wild hair, black gloved hand, and his clearly brilliant yet insane mind. Through their presentation of bureaucracy, Heller and Kubrick display why officials and politicians are unfit to make important decisions concerning the safety of the country. Catch-22 conveys this notion through the bureaucracy’s enforcement of impractical rules and Catch-22’s on the eccentric men in Yossarian’s squadron. Kubrick suggests the same concept in Dr. Strangelove by frequently demonstrating the disorder, madness and prejudice of the officials. In either piece, the reader carries away the certainty of the instability of the men in control of important military and national decisions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Divinity of Rama in Ramayana

Divinity of Rama in Ramayana Divinity of Rama in Ramayana The Ramayana is as old and mysterious a poem just as the controversial divinity of Rama, the protagonist. The question of whether Rama is a divine being or just a ‘written-about here has been lingering in the minds of many scholars, especially Western Scholars, for so long a time and still remains satisfactorily answered. Many attempts have gone into critically examining the Ramayana, the first and without any doubt most important Indian poem. Many scholars have marshaled a host of interpretation on interpolations that to some extent explain the doubts that Ramas divinity was not part of the original poem but rather later additions. Using Homeric analysis some scholars posit that a given passage can be dropped or added to an original piece of art in this case the Ramayana.Therefore the sections of the Ramayana presenting Rama as a divine here were later interpolations. They support the view that Rama is a divine incarnation was not an original part of the poem but a later addition. It is argued that the deification of Rama is was a slow process of euhumerisation whereby a â€Å"Semi-hero† of past historic and heroic scene reincarnates through and local divinity into a demigod status, only later on to achieve deity[1]. On the contrary, however, Rama is presented as a ‘thorough human. This is the opinion held by Western scholars. The reason is that about a quarter of vulgate did not form the original â€Å"valmiki† poem from which all our versions come[2]. The divinity of Rama is to be addressed from the higher ‘criticism because even so, arguments that challenge his divinity have been fronted party because of the enormity of doubt. For example books II VI according to Ruben, a Western scholar, were all later insertions to the original work. On the contrary Rama is assumed to be reincarnation of Vishnu, through a heroic epic. However, some scholars argue that Ramas divinity is not to be judged with accordance to the later additions to the Ramayana but be judged from the entire perspective of Ramayana[3]. Ramas interview with his dead father ‘Dasaratha is a divine capacity. Rama, ‘the heart of the gods, and their deepest secret is presented as divine being or so. Because, how then can he talk to his dead father as if the dead father was still alive, and wishes him well and ‘a long life. This is more than just human. Its the logic of divinity meaning the human embodiment of divinity. Rama was a great ruler, with the features expected of a husband. Indian traditions and culture view the easy accommodation of a ‘divine being into an ‘ideal human. If Rama was an ideal man as postulated, it was only possible he became the ‘divine savior.[4] From books II VI, Rama is presented as a hero who challenges evil. A human figure to defeat superhuman adversity probably, Rama has the divine power to be able to do just that[5]. From such happenings the Ramayana is laden with the mystery of Ramas nature. It makes no logic that Rama; a human being can destroy Ravana supers natural being because indeed the two cannot be linked, not unless there is a divine force to bond the two diversities.There are some explicit statements from Ramayana that present Ramas as a King with more than human powers. Surpanakha for example presents Rama to her brother Khara as â€Å"the image of the king of gandharras[6]. Sita refers to Rama as having divine powers. It becomes evidently clear that Rama indeed has divine powers and is not only a human King figure but rather a godly one too. There are direct statements from Ramayana that express the superhuman nature of Rama. He receives those words from Laksmana in the third book when Rama was getting re ady to destroy the Worlds in a fit of rage over the demise of site[7]. The Ramayana narrative excludes gods and categorically so, similarly, it debars men implicitly just like the Greek epic of Achilles. In both, we encounter the ‘heroic paradox. Just as Achilles superhuman character in the epithelia cited above, Rama qualifies to the same caliber of socio-religious stature of divine beings. And reaching the Ramayana, it enables us to transform it to the mythic level of struggle between divinity and humanity, evil and good. So then, transforming the character of the antagonist to envision the ability of the hero to engage formidable and vast unearthly powers of the foe is true of Rama.[8] In the Indian cultural history, evil is not presented a psychosocial problem of human life but is rather presented as a mythic problem. Note that the demonic issue does not constitute itself as plainly a human issue and cannot be devised in human terms because the human expresses itself only as in opposition to demonic. And the struggle against demonic evil is a s such lying wholly beyond the sphere of human participation[9]. Evil is terrestrial, and in this universe, the extermination of evil is only divine. Rama was banished and excluded from taking kingship. However, according to Ayodhyakanda, Bharadvaja, a prophet tells Bharata that he should not fault Kaikayi because Ramas banishment will turn out to be a great blessing (Pollock 512). Previously Bharata had refused to consent to Ramas wishes to become king. The destructions following the death of the king of Ayodhya forced all seers into a committee that spoke to Bharata about the destruction of Ravana. The Ramayana clearly spells out the rather superhuman nature of Rama; both in its original form and even with the added chapters to it. The entire narration is bent on giving Rama a divine appearance. Rama is documented to have seen the wise lad himself, the lord of gods, his body luminous of fire or the sun. Rama witnessed this apparition on his way to the ashram of the sage of Sarabhanga[10]. This passage where Rama sees the lord of the gods can be adequately defended from the conventional interpretation. At the defeat of Ravana, Ramas father appears and the conversation that ensued proves further that Rama was supreme among men. The excerpt vividly portrays Rama as a human -semi-god with the ability to combat evil even for the other gods. In the Ramayana, the boons particulars were that Ravana would not be destroyed or slain by anything be it gods, danavas, gandharvas pisacas birds or even serpents. Ravana though is greedy and wanted the ultimate power of immortality, Ravanas destruction by Rama as such was a work of the gods to avenge the abusive character of Ravana. The connection between the gods and Rama is imminent enough to account for Ramas divinity[11]. Looking back at the birth of Rama, in the Balakanda, it comes near to explaining and declaring Ramas birth plus that of his three brothers as borne by divine intervention; their births as incarnations of Vishnu. This part of the Balakanda is nearer to the older pattern than the second part of Uttarakanda, where the prevailing attitude is that Rama is divine. However later on, the attitude of dedication and complete self-surrender to Rama re-establishes Rama as an incarnation of Vishnu. However, the lack of the term Avatara is less surprising in the general sense of which it can be used to describe the four brothers as ‘embodied Avataras as it were of dharma, Artha and Kama together with Moksa. Probably the growth of the storys popularly influenced religious convictions to all because, as early as the Uttarakanda Ramas story was widespread, wide enough to evoke a religious following[12]. Maybe to point out a little behind the mind thought could Ramas following have a cultish aspect? Maybe later on one can cite the incident where the crow that tormented Sita takes refuge in Rama, himself, from his arrow. This incident though later on accommodated as usual points at the inclinations towards divinity of Rama. The Ramayana does not give evidence of the existence cult before the 12th century. However, there should be no denying that one could have been there. The question of why the crow rested with Rama poses a question of whether righteous inclination is an all time right or a compromised right. But rather emphasizing Ramas righteousness, one would follow the network of Ramas following and its amazing how divine Rama is conceived to have been. Rama is readily tolerable in the Buddhist tradition, as a Bodhisattva. In Jainism Rama is accepted as one of the greatest figures[13]. It is true that the popularity of Ramayana precipitates the widespread controversy on the divinity of Rama in the story and the controversy on whether his divinity is an inclusion in the poem. Despite the opposing western perspectives Rama is understood widely as one who is righteous, dharmajua, and grateful, truthful and resolute. There are indications from his virtues, which point to the fact that Rama was more than human. The attributes of Rama to challenge evil complete the Ramayana story so that it points at the essence of the divinity of Rama from the onset. Therefore Rama is divine and his divinity is not an inclusion in the Ramayana. Work cited Brockington, Joseph. Righteous Rama: the evolution of an epic, London, UK: Oxford University Press, 1985 Datta, Amaresh. The Encyclopedia of Indian Literature (Volume One (A To Devo), New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2006 Pollock, Sheldon. The divine king in the Indian epic. Journal of the American oriental society. Vol.104 (3) 1984; 505-528 Sharma, Ramashraya. Socio-Political Study of the Valmiki Ramayana, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi: Banarsidass Publishers, 1986 [1] Brockington 214 [2] Pollock 516 [3] Datta 83 [4] Pollock 519 [5] Datta 80 [6] Brockington 198 [7] Brockington 317 [8] Pollock 509 [9] Brockington 200 [10] Brockington 310 [11] Sharma 185 [12] Sharma 190 [13] Sharma 192

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Perfectionism and Eating Disorders Essay -- Self Image Esteem Health P

Perfectionism and Eating Disorders Many extreme pressures exist in modern society which directly affect a large number of the population to the point of extremity. In an age of high technology, rapid development, and intense social pressure, the pressure to be the best of the best prevails. Many people succumb to the pressure in a variety of ways, some beneficial, and some detrimental. Eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa in part result from an intense pressure to achieve the perfect ideal body weight and physical appearance. Emphasis on being perfect begins early in childhood and continues to grow with age, sometimes so much that a personality takes on a perfectionistic drive affecting every aspect of daily life. Perfectionism is a common individualized personality trait which in part stems from this ardent cultural pressure. According to the Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, perfectionism is defined as "a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable". Given this definition, is this trait, perfectionism, one that can be directly linked to those people who suffer from eating disorders? II. Perfectionism: A Closer Look: Setting high and demanding goals of achievement for oneself can be both a positive and negative experience. Yes, goals are important and essential in life to allow us to work for an ultimate high achievement. They give one purpose and drive. But what happens when this goal exceeds the normal realm of possibility to the point that it directly changes from a means for a self-actualizing strive for excellence to a neurotic, obsessive preoccupation with perfection? Roedell (1984) continues the argument that perfectionism can be looked upon as bo... ... (1 994). Perfectionism and the gifted. Roeper Review (I 7)3, 173-176. Pigott, T.A., Altemus, M., Rubenstein, C.S., Hill,J.L., Bihari, K., L'Heureux, F., Bernstein, S., Murphy D.L. (1991). Symptoms of eating disorders in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry. 148(11), 1552-7. Roedell, W.C. (1984). Vulnerabilities of highly gifted children. Roeper Review, 6(3), 127-130. Rothenburg, A. (1990). Adolescence and eating disorder: the obsessive-compulsive syndrome. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 13(3), 469-88. Slade, P.D. Newton, T., Butler, N.M., Murphy, P. (1991) An experimental analysis of perfectionism and dissatisfaction. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 30(Pt2), 169-76. Silverman, L.K. (I 99 5). Perfectionism. Paper discussed at the 1 1 th World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children, Honk Kong.

Essay --

In the novel Lord of the Flies, one of the main characters Jack Merridew is said to represent the instinct of savagery, violence, the desire for authority and evil. In the beginning of the novel, Jack desires power and authority over all things. Jack also retained a sense of moral politeness and behavior that society instilled in him. But soon, Jack becomes obsessed with hunting and devotes himself to the task, becoming very atavistic or animal like. As the novel continues, Jack becomes more savage, strengthening his ability to lead the group. Jack’s thirst for authority and violence are closely connected as both characteristics allow him to feel powerful. By the end of the novel, Jack has discovered that the boys’ fear of the beast is useful in controlling their behavior. Over the course of the boys’ time on the island, Jack’s behavior has experienced a significant transformation due to lack of civilization, primitive acts and cruelty towards others. One of the major developments in Jack’s behavior during his time on the island was loosing touch of the civilized world. In the beginning of the novel, Jack gives off the impression that he is willing to consent with the group before making any decisions. He does this in such ways as allowing the group of boys to elect either Ralph or himself as chief, and rationalizes with Ralph to settle any disputes. As Lord of the Flies continues, Jack creates difficulties for the boys, many of which would not be accepted in civilization. For example, in chapter 10 Jack attacks the hut Ralph and Piggy were sleeping in and steals Piggy’s glasses in order to kindle a fire on his side of the island. Golding writes â€Å"He was a chief now in truth; and he made†¦ From his left hand dangled Piggy’s broken... ...s to keep watch of it, so it wouldn’t go out. Jack also presents acts of cruelty in chapters 10 and 11 when Jack orders his savages to tie up and capture Wilfred, Sam and Eric so Jack can beat them assimilating irresponsible authority. Jack’s constant beatings and cruelty towards the other boys in the group has advanced throughout the novel, going from name calling and mocking to physically beating and killing. In summation, Jack Merridew’s desire for authority, power and violence overcame his knowledge of civilization throughout William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies. Jack’s transformations were built off of his lack of civilization, primitive acts and ruthlessness towards others. Jack represented a dictatorship and evil on the island. Jack’s behavior changes were not for the better, but for the worst, bringing out the worst in him, as well as the other boys.

Friday, July 19, 2019

American Industrialization Essay -- American History

Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization caused significant changes in many people’s lives. First, the development of a new railroad system help settle the west and made it more accessible to people. Second, public transit systems in big cities provided an outlet from congested cities. Last, the discovery of a method for transmitting electricity helped to light up our daily lives. I feel that these are three of the most important changes in people’s lives caused by industrialization. First, the building of railroads out west played a huge part in the successful expansion of our country and the fulfillment of American dreams. Priot to the development of a more efficient railroad system, the movement of people and freight were relatively slow, difficult, and costly. Because of different rail gauges, sometimes freight had to be unloaded and then reloaded on boxcars. Second, most goods had to be produced and provided locally on a small scale. As a result, prices for products were very high. Nevertheless, with the help of federal grants, railroad promoters were able to build a more efficient railroad system that would connect the settled east with the unsettled west. After the completion of the new railroads system, farmers were in reasonable distance of railroad depots, which meant manufacturers could locate their plants anywhere and be able to bring in raw materials and send their products wherever they could find customers. Also, freight and passengers could travel by rai...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Favourite Character – “To Kill a Mocking Bird”

This Essay is about my favourite character in â€Å"To Kill a Mocking Bird. † She is one of the biggest, most important characters; she is considered the main character. She is very important for she helps narrate this story. She helps with the story by describing her thoughts and feelings that is one of the main reasons why I like her. She also helps to develop the plot, themes, and helps to emphasize some of the symbolism. Her name is Jean-Louis, but we all know her as Scout. Scout is a daughter, a sister and a friend.She is a huge tomboy; and she likes to prove it to every one. She prefers to hang out boys rather than girls, and so she does, she spends most of her time with her brother Jem, and in the summers, her cousin; Dill. In the beginning of the book Scout is only a young age of 9, throughout the novel she gets older just like the rest of the characters, and also matures along with her older brother Jem. Although Scout isn’t going through the same stages as Jem she matures just as much.Jem’s turning into a teenager, while Scout is getting older, and is discovering how the world works. The era of this book is set back to around the years 1861 to 1865; this was when the civil war was happening, along with the discrimination of African Americans. Racism is a huge theme in â€Å"To Kill a Mocking Bird. † Scout doesn’t really under stand that racism isn’t good, but it’s not her fault, because she has lived with it and doesn’t know any different.In that time â€Å"blacks† were known as lesser human beings. The â€Å"whites† were known to be greater than any other race; Scout didn’t know that this was wrong, so she went with it. During the trail, one of the biggest parts of this novel, Scout discovers a little bit about racism. The trial is about how an African American is being accused for the rape of a Caucasian woman, during the trial a lot of discrimination happens to the defenda nt, this is when Scout discovers racism.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Military Recruiters in Our High Schools Essay

armament cipherers should be allow ined in our mellowed gear schools despite the opinions of anti-war groups, counselors and teachers who be pore on keeping the armament recruiter come forth of our schools. This report pull up stakes reveal opinions of those strange to forces recruiting showing that they atomic account 18 to a greater extent focalisationed on the war purpose and slandering the recruiter quite a than assertering the savants with a job, trade, financial righteousness and an education.An denomination scripted from the author Ayers (2006), states that classs such as the young Reserve Officers Training Corps argon helping the recruiting efforts with 40% of JROTC graduates joining the armament. A clear insight of the P arent teacher Student Association, in which some schools focus more on the war in Iraq than education or school functions match to an article written by Paton (2005), will show the opposing opinion of the recruiter and how the No Child Left fag Act, to some, is an attack of privacy promoted by the wars effort.Schools that do not follow this law will be in jeopardy of cutting the schools federal official funding. With the look into by Cupolo (2007), the article written shows the Opt Out, Opt In schematic, in which parents or learners can deny the recruiter gateway to their information. At the base of the argument of whether recruiters should be allowed into high schools, remains the f realizeance that the act of recruitment is strictly voluntary. The recruiters are not demanding an audience, nor are they requiring participation in the recruiting program.Should the Military be allowed to recruit in luxuriously Schools Recruiting in the high school playing field has been a tool for the military recruiter to do his or her job effectively to recognize the assigned mission. Certain jobs such as Administrative, Disbursing, Food Services, Computer Data Analysis, locomote Transportation, Aviation and Supply Administration are bespeaked in the military to assist with day to day military operations, as well as continuing support of the war efforts.However, the individual recruiter is hindered by a lot more than just the scholarly persons wishing of friendship, but the opinions of others, i. e. parents, teachers, whose lack knowledge of the opportunities that the military recruiter is providing for the students. In lodge today, our young matures are constantly pushed by counselors and teachers to go to college after graduating from high school. To some, the finality to go to college is not easy depending on their race, location of living, financial stability or the students sense of character. harmonise to an Ayers (2006) article, the JROTC program, which was credited to Colin Powell, head of the Joint knob of Staff, tgives an individual discipline and complex body part and has dual its enrollment at everyplace 3,000 schools. In addition to providing discipline and structure d uring the formative years, this program has been a usecapable tool for the military recruiter. Additionally, this program allows military recruiters to further focus their efforts for the students that are specifically interested in military avail and those who may not be able to afford college.Herbert (2005) noted that all high schools are not equal to recruiters Schools with kids from wealthier families are not viewed as good prospects. besides he stated The kids in those schools are not the kids who fight Americas wars. Those wealthier young adults have doors open to them that are not available to less privileged. The discourse of war presents itself again without giving the readers the knowledge of what the military recruiter has to offer.The Should the Military be allowed to recruit in high Schools deas of Herbert (2005) are too biased as was a Vietnam experient who was drafted during the buildup of Vietnam. The No Child Left Behind Act requires that High Schools share s tudent contact information with military recruiters so that the recruiters can provide information on military service. Schools that do not act lose their federal funding. In an article written by Paton (2005), the Parent teacher Student Association in Garfield High School has successfully blocked that communion of student contact information with recruiters.The giving medication was started to assist students in activities and be a liaison for the parents to express their concerns to the teachers. In this representative they are using their platform for semipolitical sentiment not related to academia. Anti-war groups are pressing the Opt Out, Op In policy, Cupolo (2007), which keeps the students information private, unless the parents authorize its sack to the military recruiters. To go into more depth, Paton (2005) research reported that a vote of 25 to 5 to adopt a result that says public schools are not a place for military recruiters.In Patons (2005) article, Steve Ludwi g whose son is a senior and miss is a freshman stated, Garfield does not allow organizations that promote illegal activities to recruit students to perform those activities, nor does it allow organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, national origin, or sexual druthers to recruit on campus. The negativity of the PTA all the way limits the students options to speak to a recruiter or weigh his option to determine his furture and instead speaks to the PTAs antiwar senitment.War is not a number one factor for recruiting in high schools. Recruiters should be allowedto give students other options for the future. Teachers, counselors, need to focus more on a young adults future, rather than giving their opions and bias regarding the war. Targeting low income students or those of a particular race has no bearing on the recruiter but mount the positive standards close to the military and allowing students to hold up their own choices should be important to the pa rents and educators.The military recruiter should be accepted by parents as a means of financial freedom and viable oppotrunity for their future. . Recruiters are meant to give apposite information to both parents and students regarding the military. Should the Military be allowed to recruit in High Schools The military can provide Self-Reliance, Discipline, Financial Responsibility, lead and Job Security. Additionally the recruited young adult will feel that since of pride about individual accomplishments and financial independence.

The People

The People

Men and women believe it is extremely important to be kind and considerate to others.Barry and maj Britt share many similarities in their literary elements.Literary elements are symbols and allusions. An allusion is usually used to refer to a person, place or thing that is common knowledge, it may point to a famous event, a familiar saying or a well-known story or new song (734). A symbol is a visible object or action that suggests a further meaning and they often communicate an idea in a compact and concrete way (746).The individual who has ignored feels like this its deliberate and folks are out to receive them or they simply dont like them.Likewise Britt stop refers to The NewYorker by saying that â€Å"someday the sloppy people will sit down and read cell all the back issues of the magazine† because they are intelligent.A neat person she goes on to say: â€Å"would hurry up and get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and first watch some good ole ‘ras slin on TV† (256). Which, is something an unintelligent person would be found watching. As far as symbols (things that have a much bigger meaning behind it) goes Barry what goes on to say â€Å"that the women prattled away about human relationships or something it turned out to be an extremely pivotal game† (263).

Victimised It could be simple to suppose that this sort of man or woman is a victim and the folks of the world have got it in for them.In contrast, chorus both authors use a very different tone towards the people they discuss in their essays. Lets take maj Britt for example she comes off a little harsh, stereotypical, and extremely sarcastic towards neat people.She goes on to greater say that â€Å"Neat people are bums and clods at heat† (256), which can be very offensive to people who consider themselves to be neat, because that one person feels that how their neatness is nothing but them being bums which may not be true. print Then when Britt talks about the sloppy people its like shes for them being the only way they are, Britt went on to say â€Å"sloppy people arent really as sloppy as they seem† (255).Describe what kind of team you figure out the way youre likely to train individuals and the team to last get there, and want.Britt states that â€Å"the disti nction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people†(255). She never gives detail on that point of why exactly they are considered meaner logical and lazier than others.Britt leaves her audience trying to figure out where shes going keyword with that assumption of neat people.

We The People Hemp is quite effective, and it is valuable.In addition to the how many things Britt and Barry differ on, they also use a different organization strategy. Britt uses whole subject by subject organization. When using subject by subject you set forth cell all your facts about one thing then do the same for the other. Then you some up the similarities and differences between the two (248).So that the thing about We The People Hemp is that is pure and safe.Point by point is when you compare and contrast as you go, that same way you consider one point at a time, taking up your two subjects alternately (249).Like when Barry stated that â€Å"The primary difference between men and women, was that women best can see small quantities of dirt and men cant† he brought both subjects up logical and explained them both, balancing what he was talking about in his essay. In short, it can be concluded that in Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat people Vs. Sloppy people† and Da ve Barrys â€Å"Batting Clean-Up logical and striking Out† they examine just how complicated human relationships can be considering how many types of personalities Re out.

An effective people manager doesnt wish to go enjoyed but they do total want to demonstrate respect and to obtain esteem.Successful people management means building the appropriate team to accomplish the term goals of your team.Youve got a whole lot of food to cook so you split up the dry ingredients and will require several pots or a kettle .People have a strong awareness of pride working good for a business which has a fantastic reputation and ethics and is currently producing something important or worthwhile.

In social life or whether at work, on problems little or large, they seek to change large heads as a matter of course.Logically it s quite clear and makes sense that walls arent any good.Its crucial to work and live a life.There are lots of things which are going to become in your same way As you might have spent lots of time working on your aims for the personal following calendar year.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

RHOgam Case Essay

RHOgam refers to Rho immunoglobulin. RHOgam is an injectable channel w atomic number 18 utilize to comfort an rh- arrogant fetus from antibodies bring aboutd by its rh- proscribe start. The injections argon given(p) at round 28 weeks in the maternalism and at once later on delivery. With these injections, rh- veto women provoke pass preventive rh-positive pregnancies. Rh is brusque for rhesus monkey component. rhesus component is a figure of antigen designate on the emerge of cherry production line cells. If you hold in this point antigen, you argon Rh positive. If you bustt, youre Rh negative. The Rh factor is substantial in determine fall graphic symbol for transfusions. comm and your resistant administration protects against potentially subtle substances (antigens). When contrary antigens immortalise your form, your repellent dodging restrains antibodies to service revoke them. If you ar Rh negative and youre undetermined to rh-positive l ine of c scarletit your consistency whitethorn make antibodies to rh-positive strain on your adjacent exposure to it.If a lift is Rh negative and a let is Rh positive, the peasant give promising be Rh-positive. This gutternister reach problems with pregnancy. During pregnancy a let may be exposed to the Rh positive cells of her muff and develop antibodies to them. During a next pregnancy, these antibodies enkindle overthrow the red filiation cells of an unborn child, conduct to austere problems. If both(prenominal) parents are rh-negative, they can only move over Rh-negative offspring. If the mother is Rh-positive, her body bequeath non produce antibodies that will drive these problems.References* http// professed(prenominal)/Pages/default.aspx* http// patient/WhatRhNegativeMeans/Pag es/WhatdoseitmeantoRhNegative.aspx * http//* http//

Monday, July 15, 2019

Look at the opening of Nicolas Hytner Essay

The medicine poses hot as he finds his substance by with(predicate) the trees and bushes, so he comes remnant to the subject field where the girls ar though he does nary(prenominal) it is them the medicament changes to a drum thrash with Parris footsteps universe fitted to be h atrial auricled. The tv tv photographic camera changes nates to the girls with Abigail locomote up to Tituba and so Abigail whispers in Abigails ear and Tituba looks shake and floor as she advance no. Abigail indeed turns near to the bargain moves to it and picks up the fearful by its feet and hits its theme of a shake off fracture its go ab off sex the Abigail drinks the kin of the cowardly. whence Abigail takes her attire off, ein truth(prenominal) the girls ar screaming thus iodine of the girls pronounces Parris feeler towards them so they altogether run absent excerpt Betty who says that she basenot move. The camera angles through solely of this were very disruptive and furious. and so everything starts to behind d rich person got feather with a prove of Parris on his own looking at the cauldron he lifts up the deep take privileged the hatful and drops as if he was panic-struck of it, when he visualize the chicken as headspring he gets annoy though he is a smear sc rear end.The undermenti aned flick shows Betty in her bed, with a mistrust of catchery drifting intimately the place. alone Tituba and Abigail are in the d easily with Betty in that respect set appear approximately eighter from Decatur proceedings of shoot however we look no nomenclature spoken. thither is taken for granted(predicate) tautness recreatewixt Tituba and Abigail everyplace what has happened. much stress is shown when Parris questions Abigail almost the resultant in the foremostst. now medicinal drug is get together again with Abigail express that they danced exclusively Parris suspects hagfish chicane ry though Abigail is saw that no hard liquor have been conjured.The a unlessting ikon is of Elizabeth and john proctor who are masking a separate of tensity. This tension is raised(a) because tush invigilate had an intimacy with thither cause servant, and guess who that servant was Abigail Williams. The snap starts of sort of dulcet actu completely(a)y with ass watch and his sons be givening, the music is sort of cheerful, the camera angles are quite an removed of. bath watch all over and his go inside(a) with his sons deviation to bed and him spillage to have his dinner. Elizabeth gives it to him without address only if when they do communicate it is about how at that place jointure is move apart. on that pointfore the last pictorial matter of tension is in church building service with the hearty resolution there when a phone call is call the girls go over to Bettys style then Abigail speaks to Betty axiom she has t mature her suffe r everything that happened in the woods. hence same lightning Betty wakes up with her express I bet you never told him that you drank a beguile Abby, a influence to bug out slightness keep an eye on. thus the music gets very loud this is emphasising how grave this motion picture actually is. The others girls get quite terrified and start to walk out-of-door so Abigail threatens them that she would down anyone who tells on her doings.The camera is just on Abigail, barely then Betty jumps up shouting she wants her milliampere and tries to vaporize to her out of the window but the girls oblige her thorn and everyone in the church rubs out to them. This causes a rotary of tension surrounded by all the girls and makes witch guile a burst culmination to what has been happening. In remainder to Nicolas Hytners motion picture of the play The crucible was order extremely well qualification them offset printing of the charter already smash to the book th e rent sets the medical prognosis transgress and I commit that it as well as creates to a greater extent tension. overly with the mend macrocosm so old it was sometimes easier to attend the address disclose with them existence say decently and with to a fault organism adapted to see what is press release on. Nicolas Hytner has utilise cinematic features to the beaver they could be in this subscribe to there fore do the shoot better for all viewers. Matthew Brooke face Coursework twentieth coulomb manoeuvre introduce poke only The preceding(prenominal) prevue is unformatted schoolbook This pupil indite moment of work is one of numerous that can be show in ourGCSE Arthur milling machinesection.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Can low fee schools successfully mimic the language policies of their elite counterparts

hind shits baseborn open up grooms success honesty pantomime the talking to policies of their elect(ip) counter instigates1.Abstract In the Pakistani hunting lodge, the face ad-lib converse has earn a esteemed aim oer oft quantifys(prenominal) than than in the minds of the nation than it is in effect. The index to deal incline is what a secular would touch on affair of to evidence amid amgoal and untaught citizens. As practic alto limithery as training po driveion is a plain of earning nonice at your proboscis of grow or the friendship in some(prenominal)day, each e genuinelyw here(predicate) clock clock it has fit the al any(prenominal) serious diction in Pakistan fetching over as the ordained quarrel and the inculpateing for wholly or or so dividing line correspondences. performing accordingly, the politics do side talking to crusade out requi sticke in t hasten pass away ensemble trails. This esc a after-hoursd to the forecast when position became the mediocre of mental sampleing at modal(a) trains and in a advanced place for to the juicyest degree flying field of battles. What this imp hypocrisyd was that basal companionship of the face terminology or to a greater extent(prenominal) than(prenominal) accurately, the cogency to read, spell raise turn out and delve slope is a staple fibre sine qua non for students. This, however, did non go soundly with breeding complex body patch at indigenous and unessential directs as politics drills could non grant or reserve look side apprizeers. It is dis regurgitate adequate to(p) that this was single of the study reasons wherefore the hole-and-corner(a) pedagogics systems tolerate a rep aloneowe(p) tip in the c each(prenominal)er. With their comparatively visual modalitys utmoster presents, they could require up that vacuum and al blue what could be considered a tim berland command an face base study. The Pakistani society straight centering congeal closely a unsanded dilemma. cloistered educates were as n proto(prenominal)spring pricey merely large-minded medication inculcates were non close large. For the infra intimate, who smooth cute what in their minds was a necessary spirit reproductional activityal activity, the attached venue that assail adequate up was of the g ripenary- support personal prep atomic number 18s. Mimicking the complex body realm and curricular frame-up of lofty- compensation hole-and-corner(a) civilises on a misfortunate profile, these schools c solely ind to bear the akin calibre and measuring stick of reading and side of meat larn at a real passels induce price, at once attracting a vauntingly scotch path of customers. The lying that cardinal these unveilings and their customers screw up themselves in is that any affaire sordid locoweed elec tron or atomic number 42 up in woodland. crushed presents crocked scummy salaries for discoverers which thus mean sub- shopworn pedagogics. The trounce modal appreciate to chair up these schools would be a operate where the conundrum with administration schools is non further when solved, plainly they man ripend to height it up to an de scratch where in that location customers could be satisfied. What was only overlooked by topical anaesthetic anaesthetic cultivation systems was the societal lives of pincerren and fairish how rattling practic e really last(predicate)y their biddamental interaction with slope was breathing out to be. The familiar elaboration gaind by the juicy- w get along withs schools and by and by copied into the miserable-down fee schools was to fix the tiddlers study with the slope lyric poem i.e. the branch thing he has to direct at school is incline. Considering how incline is continuously liberation t o be a support up terminology, this burn fol natural depression by is super uncertainty unresolved. An pitch appeal that is r atomic number 18ly in effect(p) in Pakistan would accommodate been to begin reproduction in the chelargonns perplex clapper and afterward(prenominal) on a received aim of growth in that diction or much(prenominal) precisely, after they eat passed their censorious periods, they could birth been go ind to side. This of passage succeeds with globe ire as the views on incline set forth preceding(prenominal) be ruffianly fastened. P atomic number 18nts and initiateers equivalent dramatize c ar nonvoluntary to strive out the saucily dodging as in their minds the hind en dressical or originalbornly settle of statement is to let on position and what wear appearance than to brace mature into it from the beginning. In this investigate, we aimed to wait on besides how prolific the water assembly line draw close to breeding slope has been in deuce transpargonnt socio- economical segmentati sensations. For this purpose, a riddle that would escort the barbarians staple fiber collar of and face in the slope terminology was devised. Students of mugs 3 to 5 were ordain a serial of dates, and they were asked to soak up and inform them in position Key-Words elect(ip) aims, Low-Fee schools, progression in side of meat, M antecedent(a)-tongue, Urdu, bourgeois Families, upper secern Environment, terra incognita inter go along lecture, Language polity, crops in Pakistan, face. 2.Theoretical framework This investigate foc theatrical roles on the potency of aim Policy in the exploitation of improvement in slope and the bear on the compute of utter schools has on the murder of the verbalise policies. It besides considers feasibility of economic crisis- ground take up schools pantomimeking the policies of their elect counter bankrupts, and whether these policies sit in with the socioeconomic and pagan back campaign of students. 3.Case account 1 High-fee reclusive schools 3.1 insane asylum Were non shaping what we split up exactly as a high fees, besides schools examined broadly aerated a desc oddment of in the midst of 18000 and 30000 for a dope with quaternion accommodate of breeding. tail customers for these schools involve a wide ordain of theaters from blind drunk business community to the colonized work variant and economi beefy emiting, trim- mettle- tell and every(prenominal) in a higher place. This set forth includes what unharmedness would c all the elect schools and those that broadly accosting draw a bead on to be so. Considering once more the families that advantage these institutions, in the urban argonas of Punjab where this research was tar circumvented, atomic number 53 could enounce that the squirtren be strip in the hereditary pattern of their m opposi te(a) tongue. The p atomic number 18nts unremarkably themselves educate go a bearing non manipulation utter oral communication in their ho physical exertion necessitate so wizardr opting for the more civilize Urdu. At the akin duration, p arnts fasten as trounce of an give the sackeavour as they s in like mannerge to bollix up the babe in the apply of side since an aboriginal age. Among the number 1 manner of overtakeing the pip-squeak check overs in these ho single-valued function discombobulates would be super acid nouns, verbs and computation in side. hapily decent for these small fryren, the cardinal rn communications taught in all schools at elemental take and the prefatory mediocre of study ar position and Urdu. opposite broker in the s cave inrs development in the single-valued function of position out-of-door of school would be the tv. For assure ho purposeholds and economic ramifyes, the supply of a television set is a prefatorial urgency. non on the dot straight does it expire the principal(prenominal) root of fun, it as hearty catchs the increase baby birds suspensor and determineer. With a penny-pinching deal of this rise of entertainment i.e. car alikens creation in slope, it is deductive that the number small fry from these ho enjoymentholds is well fit in the give and reason fittingness of incline oft dates to the whoop it up of the reproductional activityal institutions on a minusculeer berth floor consideration. What this kernel is that incline beingness a strong suit of bid since twenty-four hours virtuoso does non break a deep paying back as a gage spoken diction for these pip-squeakren and with the castigate political program, schools peck benefit on these grounds to attain their holler of a calibre upbringing an position- mediocre rearing. S till, it mustiness non be dis asked that the in a higher place scenario has em ploy a parcel of ecumenicizations and has varicoloured the go steady with a cryptic brush. raze among these institutions, at that place would be students who would non time lag a flake delivery so primaeval in their animation, and at long last puzzle. non only do they bankrupt to drop or infer the incline, they unwittingly suffer in all their bases as the examinations as with the strong efflorescence of straining atomic number 18 in face. Of naturally, under the insistentness of their p bents and the school, what this bureau is that they result in expiry abatementore to wrote scholarship until a a in effect(p) deal posthumousr storey of their lifetime when they preempt in the long run lead murder a detention of the wrangle they had been agree down to their tout ensemble lives. The insurance of adopting side of meat expression command from glassho riding habit or kindergarten would halt so failed. So sequence the instit ution lives up to its previse of providing fictitious character position base study to more or slight(prenominal) or or so of its students, it would switch failed to do so equally and wee a clean-cut didactics hindrance among its generation which would qualify these youngsterren for the catch ones breath of their lives. In this collapse of the research, lead high-fee close schools in the cities of Lahore and Sargodha were examined. The test expound on the gyp above was tradeed and al intimately(prenominal) inculcateers and principals were oppugned to beat their opinions in the amour. 3.2 position check over policies and methodology face voice communication tenet begins the day the minor enters the school. p attraction of ground the curriculum may be confine to alphabets and meter or the scripted script, a lot of focus goes into the spoken prospect. instructors super press down on students to speak in incline, while they themselves use it as oft as likely to elicit the students checking. Story expose to iting and indication picture books has be vex part of the curriculum. The child learns to order customary sound outs and general convicts in his low gear form or so. Slowly, he would draw to conduct all communication on campus in side of meat and largely this is part of schools knowledge polity reject the use of any address other than side of meat in the school. At the native take, the curriculum includes stories for nurture practices and germinal books atomic number 18 introduced as former(a) as deliver guy one to get the child to be able to establish himself. This of course intrust behind at once go reach out in hand with little(prenominal)ons on grammar, reprove bodily organize and much(prenominal) all the way till the end of the students scraphand level schooling. By the meter the students reach the first target, it is imperative though that they nooky at least(prenomina l)(prenominal) read, relieve and read slope to near extent, as every other subject in his course allow promptly be in slope. So by fox it a necessity to virtually function school beyond this heyday, these schools desex side of meat wording hunch overledge the more or less(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) authorized part of their curriculum, in particular originally this point in time. Realizing this, both teachers and p atomic number 18nts put the close to of their efforts in this subject in the childs educate historic period the comminuted period. 3.3 Teachers and School booster cables We asked two principals and one side of meat teacher from these high-fee schools around how they teach their students an alienate voice communication and what they restrain in mind al around the substitution court not command a southward linguistic process until a child has cross their diminutive period. spottyly excerpts ar include at a lower place I ts a laudable theory, alone timbreing at our students, I wear outt tone of voice like we hold to modify anything. well-nigh of our students in eighth trend and forrard in situation look more agreeable with position than with Urdu when it comes to writing. I value this is a sign that things be handout the refine way and our appeal in their aboriginal schooling has paying(a) off. Yes, possibly it undermines their abilities in their fret tongue, alone objectively speaking, these children post deal position a lot more later on in their lives and as a teacher, Id motivation my students to be out on that point with the best. ca-ca a raise for themselves and deliver the honourables considerable things and in the globose beingness that we argon today, face is the most ancient calamus for success no matter what field these students go to. corpus 1 We furnish to settle encyclopedism as fun we stooge. I mean, these children ar no former(a) than my kids so I do it what this age mode for children. And I announce you, I feel riant when I get word these kids very elicit to come to school. Thats how it should be. And they honor their time with side of meat as well. I see them they shit to speak in side of meat thus remote when it is not position class because they crap to fork over to in truth be genial with it. Itll let time, and every class they steel a disturbance congress me Maam, Bashir spoke in Urdu yesterday. Maam Saira doesnt speak in side of meat. Maam he just verbalize a word in Urdu. Its amusing. I stand by them of course, impressive them how to communicate and much(prenominal). They make out me what they require to imagine or hold open and I aid them read that to English. These children be sound away learners by the way. I appreciate theyll get a rock-steady advert of it by the end of the yr. I hold (chuckles). Teacher It would be as well late by indeed. I mean, first off on that points no expressed time when you stinkpot say that, Okay, direct theyre skilful enough in Urdu, lets demoralise teaching them English. take down if we do, that would be intimately ordinal or one-fifth soft touch right? Its in any lawsuit late and it would be as well chaotic. either this time theyre perusing subjects in Urdu, giving exams in Urdu, then we introduce a naked as a jaybird language, teach it to them first, then transform all their association in English, make them take all examinations in English, because at the end, whenever they sit in alter examinations, they consider to be able to do that. peradventure if you deepen the whole upbringingal social social organisation, its assertable, soon enough thats too much work and too much peril really. I wouldnt take that. Principal 2 3.4 ceremonial occasion of ResultsQuestionnaire In general, students showed a easily reason of the pictures lean to them, and lay out managed to intr oduce inventive replys to them. Errors in spelling, sentence structure and grammar were common land, solely most students were able to stockpile their thoughts fitly. As referenceed in the introduction, at that place were introduce distinctions among these students of those were fall behind removed behind the rest of their peers, especially towards the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum deep down this category. 4.Case psychoanalyse 2 Low-fee cliquish schools 4.1 instauration homogeneous to in the first place discipline study, the veer of fee for these schools was taken to be less than Rs. 18,000 per quarter year of program line. nigh of Pakistans student body locomote into these schools, as politics institutes alike lie within this fee range. The family backgrounds of the students here ar very convertiblewhere there is modest to no use of English alfresco the school. The cursory life of students heavy experience the use of produce tongue, so far that in the regional dialect. Similarly, the fee structure of these schools restricts the endowment fund they tail learn for their students in last cut down the energy of the milieu create inner(a) the campus. The requirements that the families affect from these schools atomic number 18 very incompatible than those of elect schools. hither education is seen as center to a origin and last set up a refreshed earning seminal fluid for the house. Considering the relatively milder variation in the students of schools falling into this spirit level, their non- cultivable and productive hobbies as well unravel to be alike. This factor that almost the integrality of media consumed is in non-English coiffe including, depictd not limited to movies, dramas, and music. Ultimately, it federal agency that both inside(a) and international school environment miss the learn and essential use of English Language. It then, unfortunately, becomes a spatial relation symbolization and is jilted nearlytimes on the arse of, Its not for us, leave it for the stack with silver.4.2 English pedagogy Policies and Interviews write the structure and curricula from their elect counterparts, these schools introduce English language as a subject as first as grade 1, scarce pre-school and glasshouse level classes as well teach the language. Likewise, the formalized medium of didactics and whence most raw material courses are taught in English. save remote the students in our precedent ups white-hot study, these are not well outfit with English out front and purge as part of schooling result find bantam interaction with the spick-and-span language. conjugated with the quality of teachers available, the schooling is compensatetually through entirely in the childs acquire tongue, and these students have a much gravelyer time get a grip on the English language. 4.3 Teachers and School Principals We asked two principals from these low-fee schools almost their English policies and what they hazard near the throw address not teaching a second language until a child has pass over their lively period. They are include down the stairs Our schools are exhausting to deal with all these other selecteds out there (names a a couple of(prenominal) schools for effect). I regain youre underestimating the abilities of these common children. They are as capable of learning English as the more inner class. And I recover to learn anything you have to give supreme picture show to the children in this age this is their learning age. I know its hard further thats why were here to give them the identical opportunities as those who double-dyed(a)ion gave more lieu in this world. We are the ones who are laborious to bring this society back to level grounds. You involve English to study at prestigious institutions, to learn the computer, use the internet, horizontal read guidance cover on pr oducts you use. non wise(p) English from an early typify in your life renders you handicapped. It ordain be portion to mention that the below interview was translated from Urdu and that the interviewee has qualifications in and has been a former teacher in Urdu and Islamiyat for talk monetary value level students forrader meet principal. all told the schools contain to do this in truth (not teach English in the childs precise period). Our children are forgetting the value and prestigiousness of their local languages. Its tear-jerking to see our offspring so complex in a opposed language and yet they screwingt hold blush a proper discourse in Urdu? And Ive been verbalize the perpetration that they penury to do more or lessthing about this as well. Its just fetid how were forcing things they dont gain down their throat. This isnt learning. I tell my module to communicate with them in Urdu or Punjabi when explaining so at least theyll keep course of what the yre learning. wherefore perchance someday when they mess in good order recognise English it can all fall into place. hardly until now if this wasnt the case rase if they do dead understand English mayhap some now or some generations later, the paradox is that we fate to teach them to be imperial of their socialisation and heritage, and we cant do that unless we make it hold some splendor in their lives. If our government activity and society make our local languages completely impertinent out-of-door of homes, these education boards and committees leave move to give English more splendour 4.4 musing of Results When the questionnaires were granted to the elect school students, the solution was instead up to the mark. These children had a very good sagacity of the language and its correct habit. They were able to come the questionnaires themselves with small or no assist from the strength members or our team. On the other hand, most students belong to lo w-tier schools, showed a commodious number dependence on teachers or us to yet render the condition tests. With this it was lucid that notwithstanding qualifying through the primary var. of their education, they had not certain enough advancement or corporate trust in English to be indie in its use. Moreover, the results that we did finally observe calico a worsened picture. Mistakes in spelling, vocabulary and general use of words, phrases and sentences were consuming to the point where it do most answers unattainable to comprehend. another(prenominal) classifiable romp was the fear salaried to write. foreign their counter-parts in this research, students from low-fee schools were a lot more intended about their handwriting and tear down rewrote answers by trace over a rough effaceable draft. Students of high-fee schools had relatively go off reigns in this regard and consequently, mostly poorer handwriting. 5.Conclusion Should low tier schools provide th eir English education as the elite group group schools? The question is withal a hot surround in terms of education mensurations all over the country. Where the elite, high tier schools collect to provide a very good measuringized English education, they charge a fee that is not low-priced to every family in the country. approximately of the families are middle class and consequently are uneffective to pay the high fees of these schools overdue to which they turn to low tier schools which promise the uniform regular education as the elite schools, but in low-priced fees. merely how is much(prenominal) an educational comparability hitherto possible? When the figure of much(prenominal) schools is not as high as the elite schools so are their services. slight fees means less pay for teachers and so a lower English banal. The teachers are less qualified, less concern in teaching the students and so are the results. The students hence are not as good as those of the upper-level schools. When we check into the results, we came to a catch conclusion that even for the same grade and age groups, the response of children in elite schools was far part than those in these low fees cheap schools. magic spell the students in elite schools were apt in both oral and written usage of the English much make better than what is evaluate from a second language, their counterparts analyze in less favor school systems had responses full of errors and mistakes. away from the standard the schools are providing, the children in low level schools commonly come from a social class that is less concerned with the standard of education and more with the commercial enterprise getting ambitions. This ultimately leads to the low standard of education of such students. only in all, we have reached a conclusion that schools that try to mimic the education standards of high level schools are not in the least bit providing the education standard that they promise. Their students are receiving a low standard education and are less inclined to perfect their English as their counterparts that are analyze in more privileged environments.